FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions July 4, 2020
We have started receiving your questions already, and would like to address them for everyone.
1. What show format will you opt to, European Classic or American Ringed format?
- We encourage clubs to hold classic shows with judgment on expert's table and written descriptions given out to breeders, although we plan ahead for a combined format with all the best features in it.
2. Is it true that WOC will have pedigree issuing centralized?
- This is not true, as clubs under WOC may issue pedigrees like they used to. We do, however, propose our software suite to clubs, but it is up to them if they want to use it or not.
3. Is WOC really going to control everything a club does?
- Unlikely. While we are going to supply clubs with our software solutions for some of their processes, those are not all it takes to be a club, and clubs may choose to not use our software if they wish.